On Friday, March 6, 2009, the Joint Petitioners in the East Coast Airspace Redesign case now pending in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, filed their Reply Brief, arguing that the FAA failed to comply with 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act, the Clean Air Act and NEPA.
The Reply Brief takes the FAA to task for failing to consult with the state and local authorities regarding the tremendous impact that the Airspace Redesign will have on "4(f) properties," that is, state and local parks, and wildlife preserves. It also points out that the FAA is in violation of the Clean Air Act, because it failed to establish that the Airspace Redesign would conform with the Clean Air Act. Finally, the Reply Brief, argues that the FAA violated NEPA by not following its own regulations concerning aircraft noise in assessing the noise impacts of the Airspace Redesign.
Briefing for the case is now completed and oral argument is scheduled for 9:30 a.m.. on May 11, 2009, in front Judges Sentelle, Ginsburg, and Randolph at the E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse, 333 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, D.C.. Senators Dodd (D – Conn.) and Specter (R – Pa.) filed a amicus curiae brief supporting the Petitioners’ Petition for Review to have the Airspace Redesign vacated and remanded back to the FAA. The New Jersey Attorney General, Anne Milgram also filed an amicus brief in support of the Petitioners.
Other Posts regarding this Litigation:
- FAA Files Its Brief in the East Coast Airspace Redesign Lawsuit, posted January 13, 2009
- New Jersey Attorney General Files Amicus Brief in the Airspace Redesign Litigation, posted September 12, 2008.
- Sens. Specter and Dodd File a Joint Amicus Brief in the East Coast Airspace Redesign Litigation, posted September 8, 2008.
- Petitioners’ Opening Brief, posted September 3, 2008.
- Update of Airspace Redesign Litigation, posted April 28, 2008.
- Airspace Redesign May Not Reduce Fuel Consumption for the Airlines as FAA Claims, posted March 18, 2008